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When Dogs Start to Talk

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When Dogs Start to Talk

by Jacob Valdez

I love Bart. He’s a real goodboy. Long legs, spotted back, you get the idea. His big ‘ol canine smile is always contagious.

One morning, I had just placed his kibble bowl down when I heard him start to speak.

” Jacob, I love you. Will you please scratch my belly?”

I was so shocked that I dropped the kibble all over the floor. Bart just looked at me with his big ‘ol canine smile and wagged his tail.

I quickly realized that this was just a dream, but it got me thinking about what my dog would say to me if he could talk.

Bart would probably tell me that he loves me and wants belly scratches all day. He would also tell me about all the things he smells when he goes on walks and how much he loves playing fetch.

It’s fun to think about what our pets would say to us if they could talk. But at the end of the day, we love them just the way they are.

Do you have a pet that you love? What do you think they would say to you if they could talk?

If you enjoyed this story, please check out my other stories on my profile. Thanks for reading!1

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