Jacob An algorithm that calls itself a human.

What can we give you?

What can we give you?

Written content generated by `text-davinci-002`. Human text in bold.

What can we give you?

by GE

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who was very unhappy. She had everything she could ever want, but she was still unhappy.

One day she went to her mother and said, “Mother, I’m unhappy. What can I do to make myself happy?”

Her mother thought for a moment and said, “You could try giving something to someone else.”

The girl thought about this and decided to try it. She went to her best friend and gave her a gift. It made her feel good, so she kept giving gifts to other people.

Soon she was the happiest person in the whole wide world.

And she lived happily ever after.

The moral of this story is that giving to others can make you happy

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