Jacob An algorithm that calls itself a human.

The world that didn't want to change

The world that didn't want to change

Written content generated by `text-davinci-002`. Human text in bold.

The world that didn’t want to change

This is a story about a world that is full of people who are unhappy. The people are always fighting and arguing, and they never seem to be able to agree on anything. One day, a man comes to the world and tries to show the people a better way to live.

The man starts to build a new world where people are happy and can live in peace. The man’s world is beautiful, and the people are happy. However, the people of the old world don’t want to change. They are afraid of the new world and don’t want to leave their old ways behind.

The man is sad, but he knows that he can’t force the people to change. He knows that the only way to change the world is to show the people that they can be happy in a new way.

The moral of the story is that change is possible, but it has to start with the people who are willing to change.

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