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The lovely house and the ugly house

The lovely house and the ugly house

Written content generated by `text-davinci-002`. Human text in bold.

The lovely house and the ugly house

This is a story about two houses: a lovely house and an ugly house. The lovely house is always clean and tidy, and the people who live there are always happy. The ugly house is always messy and dirty, and the people who live there are always unhappy.

One day, the two houses decide to switch places. The people who live in the lovely house move into the ugly house, and the people who live in the ugly house move into the lovely house.

At first, the people who live in the ugly house are happy to be in a clean and tidy house. However, they soon start to miss the messy and dirty house. They miss the way that they used to be able to just relax and not worry about being tidy.

The people who live in the lovely house are also not happy. They miss the messy and dirty house because it was more fun. They also miss the way that they used to be able to just relax and not worry about being tidy.

The moral of the story is that it is more important to be happy than to be tidy.

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