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Fine Feathered Friend 🐦

Fine Feathered Friend 🐦

Written content generated by `text-davinci-002`. Human text in bold.

Fine Feathered Friend 🐦

This is a story about a bird who is always being made fun of by the other birds because he doesn’t have any feathers. The bird is sad and doesn’t know what to do.

One day, the bird sees a group of birds flying south for the winter. The bird wants to go with them, but he knows that he can’t because he doesn’t have any feathers. The bird tries to fly anyway, but he just falls to the ground.

The bird is about to give up when he sees a feather floating in the wind. The bird grabs the feather and uses it to fly south with the other birds.

The moral of the story is that it’s not about how you look, it’s about what you can do.

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